
Mission Statement:

The Political Writing Workshop supports and amplifies new voices in feminist writing. Writers provide fresh analysis on issues of racial justice, reproductive justice, gender and ecology. Exploring current organizing and advocacy, alongside political commentary, this blog represents the wide array of issues which speak to young writers today.

For prospective writers:

The Hampshire Political Writing Workshop is accepts new student writers at the start of each semester.

The Political Writing Workshop is a place to hone your critical thinking and political writing skills. Learn to write political blogs and produce podcasts through skill building sessions, discussions on current events, and writing group feedback. Writers of all skill levels are encouraged to join, and will be supported in all steps of writing and publishing. The workshop is a supportive space to learn about political issues and communicate your viewpoints to a national audience. Writers commit to attending weekly workshop and training sessions and publishing at least four blogs during the semester. Some work study funds are available for eligible students.

The workshop is sponsored by PopDev. For Spring 2013 Division III students Martha Pskowski and Senti Sojwal co-facilitate the workshop and provide one-on-one editing support for writers.

Contact PopDev Fellow Martha Pskowski (mnp09@hampshire.edu) if you are interested.


The Population and Development Program sponsors the Hampshire Political Writing Workshop. The blog is student-run, and all opinions represent that of the individual author. Contact: popdev@hampshire.edu

The Writing Workshop is also sponsored by the Campus Progress journalism network. Visit CampusProgress.org! Our sponsor’s website offers hard-hitting journalism, analysis, and multimedia on issues of the greatest concern to young people.



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